Introducing the Jan Marini Bioglycolic Range!

We’re always excited when we add new products ranges to our shelves, and we’ve recently added a whole new brand – Jan Marini! We’ve got so much to tell you about all of the different, wonderful products on offer, but for today we thought we’d focus on just one range …

5 Underlying Causes for Redness

Facial redness is a daily issue for many of us, and although there are lots of products out there which can help, they don’t always address the underlying issue. A lot of facial redness is misdiagnosed as rosacea, which means that many of us go through the rigmarole of trying …

Live a Luxurious Life with Pure Beauty

Even if you’re the most down-to-earth person, rarely opting for anything expensive or flashy, you probably still enjoy a little luxury every now and again. Here at Pure Beauty, we’re firm believers that everybody deserves a treat now and again, and if you reserve your luxuries for treating your face, …

Wrinkles – Why You Get Them and What to do About it.

For many of us, wrinkles are just a fact of life, something that happens once we reach a certain age and are just a sign that we’re getting older. There are, however, many different causes of wrinkles, and knowing those signs means that there are things you can do to …